Tuesday, April 18, 2006

Sometimes you just need to prove something by action

UC Berkeley integrative biologist Marian Diamond has been researching how good food, bright surroundings and fun toys coincide with better-developed brains in rats. She calls it "enrichment." Her program, "Enrichment In Action," begins to to create her dream of moving research from the stodgy labs to real-life application.

While the theory seems obvious to me, I have to really honor this woman for pouring 40 years into this idea, and taking action. She's out there, in Cambodia, "enriching environments" for children. They're healthier and happier because of her work. This is an awesome thing, because so many of us dream about it, but few actually *do* it.

Here's an article from Science Matters: http://sciencematters.berkeley.edu/archives/volume3/issue20/story1.php

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